About Us

The Aroor CM & MCS Ltd. No .344 is a semi Govt. Co-Operative Society. Set up in 1961 for the systematic development of coir industry in the state .The society has one acre of land fully equipped machineries and building facilities .The society has its administrative wings and manufacturing facilities in a sprawling complex in Alleppy Kerala South India. The society gives employment to 54 workers directly in the manufacturing unit and 50 workers indirectly. The turnover in 2016-2017 was 2 crore 9 lac. The profit that our institution makes mainly goes back to the workers and so we are in a position to obtain their sincere efforts and skill in our production.

The Society administrated by the board of directors they are elected by members through election. The Cheif executive officer is the secretary.The Government gives full support to the society
Our main product is coir Geotextiles which is used for soil erosion control purpose and landscaping.

Aroor Coir has four decades of experience in the Coir Industry and during this span we have built its reputation with maintaining quality of our products, providing quality services and prompt delivery. We have In-house production units for the coir mats, matting and finishing/printing units for the mats. Our factories are located in  Alleppey district. We always give the most importance in keeping the quality standard of our products since the inception of the Company. Over the years, we built up a solid reputation in manufacturing  quality coir and rubber products. Our designing for the doormats are standard and providing attractive designs on the base of customer’s requirement. So we are more confident about our quality that exceeds all the international standards and commitments to ensure the customer satisfaction which help us to keep away the competitors. Also we have been blessed with opportunity to serve some of the most discerning and demanding customers.

President -Radhamani
Secretary – Seema A.S

Our Board Members:-
1. Kamaladharan
2. Mohanan
3. Preetha Gireesh

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